Dedicated to HIM ;DD

I hope you like it dear ;DD
3 jam tau I create ney utk you, hehe.

p/s ; If lagu blogger I ney ggu, you scroll down kud box kecik dua tu then stop kan jee yee ;)

im sorry, GOODBYE

I cry fer the time tht, you were almost mine <3
I cry fer the memories, I've left behind
I cry fer the pain!
the lost, the old, the new
I cry fer the times,

best sgt dpt meet awak, hehe. yaa actually awak da dengar masalah sy kan kan? mesti syiokkk kiler la awak bace post sy ney, Haha gedik sgt la kan. thanks, ak igt sume nasihat kau, loveyou Tisha :*
Okayy, ad la sikit yg aku igt perbualan kite td --'

aku : aku sayang dia weh tp dy buad aku mcm ney *tears
tisha : weh ! kau nnges kud cni dy thu ke kesedihan kau skun ? ad dy peduli ? tkkan ? *cekak pinggang
aku : yee biala dy tk thu pum , mmg ak tkna dy thu
tisha : sabarlah , biase la tu ak da rase cmtu dlu . nti2 kau lupa jugak
aku : sorryla aku tkbole sha
tisha : okayokay , aku tetap ad utk kau . sabar , igt Allah . tu je yg aku boleh cakap *smbil lap airmata aku
aku : thankyou

*** Hug & the tears back ***
blablablabla then pegi QB tgok wayang citer THOR! best sgt :)

Tisha, iloveyousomuch babyyyyyy!

np ko still syg dia,walau dia dh tggl ko ?

Np ko still syg dia, walau dia dh buang ko ?
Np ko still syg dia, walau dia dh hncrkn ht ko ?
Np ko still syg dia ,walau dia dh pijak cinta ko ?

Np ko still syg dia ,walau dia runtuhkan mahligai ko ?
Np ko still syg dia ,walau dia pergi tnpa belas ?
Np ko still syg dia , walau ko menangis dia pndg ko pnuh benci ?
Np ko still syg dia , walau dia xprnh pikir susah ko ?

sebab dy segalanya bagi ak, I need you babe, please :'(

speechless -,-

pls, don't go I need youuuuuuu :'(

my dear MFB, imissyou so much! :'(

Okayy, tk sangka laa kan kta jadi mcm ney, kan kan? hm, i always igt pasal kta, and and I terus nangis. tk thu knapa, I pum da cakap kan na cuba face sume ney, seriously I tkbole. maafla, mybe I bukan utk u kan, ad lagi girls yg lucky kud lua sane. boleh tk nak cakap kud girls yg lucky tu mcm ney 'hey, jaga dia baik baik. awak untung dapat dia'. can can? dear, I rindu gelak tawa u, gitar u yg always hiburkan I, sweet webby and etc etc. dalam bilik sllu layan feeling jee, automatically I down plus with sad + tears. i don't know why! then bila mama and papa call I buad fake smile and then cepat cepat cover sbb tkna mama and papa tnya. Dear, I tkbole laa, why hah? act, I buat happy je kan bile cakap gn u but deep in ma heart i was like urghhhhhhh! why its hard fer me to face dis and at the same time, I dun want u to know. I akan igt sume nasihat u, at least I dapat jugak contact u mcm biasa kan? thankyou, happy sgt sbb call I semalam. iloveyou hunn :)

p/s : should I wait fer him until the end of my life? hmmmmm

ohhmannnnn, ily


nak sangat sangat sangat cakap mcm ney tiap masa kud awak, tp knape saya malu eh awak? saya takut awak tkna accept sume ney! hm, nak call awak tp saya takut saya ganggu awak. awak, thanks utk semua ney eh. congrats sbb awak da jadi yang terbaik untuk saya, saya da hilang awak tp jan ingat awak hilang dlm hati saya yeee? gonna miss you --'

p/s; fake smile, sorry :'(

just let me go dear :'(

fear --'
dear, thanks utk semua okayy? sy hargai sgt relationship kita, sorry if sy buad semua ney. awak da laen, tk mcm dulu lagi and sy tpaksa buad mcm ney utk kebaikan awak jugak. sy sayang awak tp awak tk kan? yee, sy thu. tk sangka sampai sini je relation kita, hope awak dpt yg lebih baik dri sy okayy? sy tahu sy tkbole hidup tanpa awak kud sisi sy tp sy cuba yg terbaik demi awak, sy da hilang awak tp jgn igt awak da hilang dlm hati sy eh? maafkan sy! and and, a big thnks sbb awak org yg plg bmakna dlm hidup sy. Im gonna miss you, goodbye dear :'(

done <3

my fault rite?

Sorry if i tk perfect utk u and selalu sgt buad u stress, kan kan? Okayla i kecewa la kan bile dpt tahu u da active fb, u yg cakap tkna onl lagi kan? tipu i eh, sampai hati. after dis, decide laa sndri tkpaya inform kud i lagi okay? buad ap, i tk penting pum utk u. now i da faham, thankyou so much dear, im really appreciate it :)

ohh scar! :(